

The " Longevity: the positive sum of life " competition has its winners

El concurso “longevidad: la suma positiva de vida” ya tiene a sus ganadores

The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, through the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE), within the framework of the Programme for a Long-lived Society, based on the strategic, committed and constructive decision to address longevity as one of the strengths of present and future society, organised a photographic competition under the slogan: Longevity: the positive sum of life.

TheProgramme for a Long-lived Society is based on the need to promote, support and implement studies, research, scientific discoveries and technological advances that contribute to defining longevity as a healthy and gratifying stage of life, both for individuals and for the society to which they belong. In this way, longevity becomes a promising horizon full of possibilities, a real engine for growth and a continuous factor for improvement in our relationship and social culture.

Longevity should never be equivalent only to retirement and, even less, to inaction, absence of participation, lack of usefulness or productivity - understood not only from an economic point of view - but should be seen as the privileged moment of life in which what has already been learnt becomes a true individual and social capital, transferable to the community as a whole. And the basis for new and continuous learning.

Being long-lived person is a way of being and being in a world happily made up of people who value and appreciate their existential baggage as a valuable heritage, but who, at the same time, continue to be driven by projects, by the essential vitality of illusion, by ideas of renewal. In short, by the legitimate aspiration for a better life for themselves and for others.

This is the only way to broaden and enrich social relations. Only in this way will the attained prolongation of life not only be the effect of organic or biological behaviour, but the horizon in which individuals and societies can walk together, where experience attains its irreplaceable value and the future is the aspiration that continues to energise our lives.

The Programme for a Long-lived Society is a real social and cultural challenge. The implementation of a transformation process in which the length of life is accompanied by the extension of the quality of life. A process that is possible, timely and just. A process that cannot be delayed.

Participation in the competition

The photography competition was very well received, in a time marked by multiple restrictions due to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. A total of 2,472 entries from 66 countries were submitted. The competition, entitled "Longevity: the positive sum of life", has eight prizes ranging from 1,250 to 5,000 euros and has had an exceptional jury made up of Luis Malibrán, Laura San Segundo, Jorge Salgado, María Santoyo, Álvaro Ibarra and José Luis Amores.

This activity carried out by CENIE, which forms part of the Programme for a Long-Lived Society, is framed within the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


The photographs selected by the Jury as winners in the following categories not only meet the required criteria but also stand out for their quality and vision of what this competition is all about.

In the words of the various members of the Jury, the competition and the images have merited the following considerations:

"I found it very interesting how many interpretations the photographers have made about ageing. There has been irony, admiration, respect, empathy... many ways of expressing differently, but always intensely, what we all feel about the fact of ageing. What I think is a great achievement is that through images it is possible to express and fix such intense and ambiguous emotions that would be impossible to put into words". (LUIS MALIBRAN)

"I have been pleasantly surprised by the high level of the images presented in this year's competition, not only for their technical quality but also for the affection and closeness that the photographers show through their images to our elderly people". (JORGE SALGADO)

"The wide participation in this competition indicates a greater awareness of the essential pillar that the elderly constitute in our society; a group unfortunately so hard hit by the pandemic. The elderly are our memory, a link between past and present, between the origin of life and the approach of death. Their care is necessary and gives us the same humanity as the protection and consideration of those who have come into the world recently. But beyond that, it is necessary to grant them a legitimate, experienced and useful space in all circumstances that could make us progress in a more meaningful way. The photographers presented here demonstrate an attentive, respectful and empathetic gaze towards the people who are the protagonists of the images, and who give us back the image of a possible dignity, which lies in life itself and all that is worthwhile in it: bonds, enjoyment, discovery, nature, doing and continuing to do". (MARIA SANTOYO)

"It is worth highlighting the high level of participation in the competition, especially the high quality of the images and the fantastic ability to reflect the relationship of older people with their different cultures and traditions, in different, sincere and creative ways".  (JOSE LUIS AMORES)


The winning photographs and authors of the prizes assigned to each category are listed below, together with an explanatory text provided by the Jury of the competition:

CENIE Grand Prize

Title: Youth Is A State Of Mind!

Author: Sergey Romashev (Rusia)


"The idea was to reward images that gave a positive view of longevity, and in this case it seemed to us that there are few things more positive than passion. Being passionate about something allows us to learn, to be curious about things other than what we know and above all to feel hope. This lady shows intense emotion on her face, even though her situation does not look idyllic. Her old, threadbare clothes, her dirty, pawed handbag, the number of aggressive textures on her clothes and skin, and the feeling of loneliness and sadness suggested by the desaturated, brownish colours, help to enhance all these sensations, which contrast with the abstraction and intensity of her excited gaze on the text she is reading".

People´s Choice

Title: Momentos de alegría

Author: Jorge Bacelar (Portugal)

Cara de un hombre con un perro</p>
<p>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

"Often in photography we say that less is more and this image reflects it perfectly. A direct shot with a single lateral light, possibly coming from a window and with only two figures in the foreground, reflecting the involvement between them, the harmony of the message and, as the author tells us, those wonderful "moments of joy".


Title: Maria y Tim

Author: Jake Sadhu Abbott (España)

\\SERVEREFTI\Escuela\CONCURSOS\EXTERNOS\CONCURSO ENVEJECIMIENTO CENIE\Concurso Envejecimiento 2ª edicion\Ganadores Concurso\Ganadores de cada categoria\1ª GENTE     https jake sadhu abbott __cenie.eu_sites_default_files_22_maria_y_tim_22.jpeg

"Tender image of the grandfather and his pet, both posing in the sun with a light background, resulting in a wonderful outdoor studio photograph. The naturalness and smile of the man, with his body tilted to one side, in front of the professional model pose adopted by the dog, form this composition that transmits serenity, calm and a lot of sweetness and authenticity".


Title: Atención

Author: Alberto Porres Viñes (España)

C:\Users\jose\Desktop\Jurados comentan las fotos premio\Laura San Segundo   1ª MIRADAS.jpg

"There is something fascinating in the plasticity of this image, which brings to mind not only that of the pioneers in the use of colour in photography, but also that of any scene painted by Edward Hooper: its particularly geometric composition and the bold contrast of the red in which the woman is fully dressed, against the blue of that silent space that is a museum. And its strength lies not only there, but is even greater when we focus on the action of the image, on the small gesture of this woman who sits, sophisticated and elegant, looking carefully at what is in a glass case, concentrated, attentive, oblivious to everything else".

Iberian looks

Title: El abuelo y la calabaza gigante III

Author: Luis María Barrio (España)

\\SERVEREFTI\Escuela\CONCURSOS\EXTERNOS\CONCURSO ENVEJECIMIENTO CENIE\Jurados comentan premio 2ª edicion\Luis Malibran    1ª MIRADAS     IBERICAS.jpg

"The aim of this section was to reward images that gave an insight into how older people actively enjoy the cultural and natural heritage of Spain and Portugal. In this case, we found very interesting the way in which the exuberance of agricultural production, characteristic of the gastronomic and cultural heritage of both countries, and the determination of this generation to face difficult tasks, were symbolically summed up. The grandfather's gaze leaves no doubt that he will succeed in his decision to cut the huge courgette and at the same time, the black and white treatment makes the image metaphorical rather than documentary and highlights the action rather than the details of the elements".

Looks at the line

Title: Da Luz e da Escuridão

Author: Isaque Neves (Portugal)

\\SERVEREFTI\Escuela\CONCURSOS\EXTERNOS\CONCURSO ENVEJECIMIENTO CENIE\Jurados comentan premio 2ª edicion\Alvaro Ibarra     1ª MIRADAS EN       LA RAYA.jpg

"In a single image in black and white and with a single light, this atmosphere of stillness and tranquillity is created, which shows us this old woman, with her protective mask, reading the poster in front of her shadow, while at her side appears a spectral intervention of an arm, which accompanies her in her solitude. A magnificent image for its simplicity and theatricality".

Altered images

Title: El camino de las sombras

Author: Leonardo Horacio Fainbich (Argentina)

C:\Users\jose\Desktop\Jorge 1ª IMAGENES ALTERADAS .jpg

"Attractive composition of three images, almost cloned, in which only the human element varies. Very interesting, compositionally speaking, the diagonals projected by the lights and shadows, all parallel to each other and only interrupted by the characters walking across the street. The green/cyan colour that floods the whole scene helps to create a strange, almost timeless atmosphere, which gives a very personal and characteristic touch to the whole image". 


Title: Reflection

Author: AmirMahdi Najafloo Shahpar

C:\Users\jose\Desktop\Jorge Salgado    1ª FOTO MOVIL.jpg

"Magnificent image of everyday life in which the author has captured a beautiful moment of complicity between the man and his dog. The coincidence of the gaze of the two subjects is enhanced by the direction in which the windscreens of the vehicle are pointing, creating a truly interesting composition. The use of black and white and the dirty glass of the vehicle add a timeless, almost dreamlike touch to the photograph which helps to make the image extremely attractive".